
Graphic Vices, Graphic Virtues Making Comics 1 Professor SETI Assignments Due Wednesday September 9th “DAILY DIARY” Continue your 6 Minute Diary in your compbook,  just as we did it in class Start by drawing your frame,   In the first column, take about two minutes to write down about seven or so things you did in the last 24 hours. In the second column, take about two minutes to write down about seven things that caught your eye in the last 24 hours. In the bottom box, take about a minute to write down one or two things you overheard someone say in the last 24 hours. (Eaves-dropping is a big part of this class!) In the final box, take about a minute to draw something that caught your eye during the last 24 hours. Pick one of the images you’ve recorded and set a timer for 3 minutes and write down everything you can remember about the circumstances of that scene.  

“Color My Big Funky World” Using crayons is something most of us associate with being little.  Most of us stopped using crayons a long time ago. This assignment will do several things for you. One of the most important things it will do is get your hand in shape for the up-coming semester. We’ll be doing almost everything by hand and yours will need to be strong to handle it. Your assignment is to color the three images you selected in class. You can color the images any way you wish and alter the pictures if you want.  The main thing I want you to do is spend time on each picture. The entire surface of the page must be colored.  You’ll need a minimum of an hour for each image to do it, though most students spend more time than this. Coloring takes longer than most of us remember or imagine. If you put this assignment off until the last minute you’ll be sad. There is no way to fake the amount of time put into coloring a page. One of the pages should colored while you listen to music or a podcast or have a TV show or movie on. When you finish, set a timer for four minutes and write about what happened, how you felt and what you thought about while you were working. One of the pages should be colored in a public place, like a café or the library or the Union or any place where people who are passing will be able to see what you are doing. Have your compbook open so you can write down things people say while you are coloring. These can be things you overhear people say, things people say directly to you, or about you. When you finish, set a timer for four minutes and write about what happened, how you felt and what you thought about while you were working One of the pages should be done with friends or acquaintances.  These could be your roommates or other classmates. Our classroom is an open studio space from 4:30 to 6:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays. Members of the Comics Club often come to work on projects, and other classmates come to work on assignments. When you are finished, set a timer for four minutes and write about what happened, how you felt and what you thought about while you were working. “EXTRA CREDIT” Extra credit work will go a long way to lifting your grade and your ability to see things in a different way.  Go to our tumblr page ( and type ‘extra credit’ in the search box.  You’ll see a lot of pictures you can copy any way you wish into your compbook, using any materials you wish. Don’t forget to draw a simple frame first so your drawing has edges to it.